Hello, I'm Cabbage, you can also call me Filya. Pronounce she/her (won't be mad if you use he/him to call me);
I'm Ukrainian, 15 y.o
ISFP, phlegmatic - melancholic
Demisexual (?)
Triggers: syringes, hard gore, big companies of people

Before you follow:

I mostly talk about my OCs, don't really like criticism and toxic people. I easily get sad or disappointed, even angry, please don't mind this. I'm kind of impulsive person.
I'm not a fan of musical bands, I just listen to music that I like.
I'm trying to write own story for my OCs and create a new world for them.

Do not follow:

If you support war, pedophilia, incest, misogyny etc;
If you are homophobic and etc;
If you are rude and toxic;
If you don't use art credits;

Uh, yeah, I also play electric piano, but I'm not doing it very well...
I don't really like communication, but sometimes I really NEED to talk with someone;
I also think that I'm touch starved, because I'd like to hold hands with someone or have soft hugs.
I love comfort, personally for me comfort means a long walk with friend in a forest or place, where are just a few people, listening to music and drawing
Sometimes I like to read some manga or manhwa, but I don't do it 24/7;
I don't watch any series, just some short anime or movies;
I also don't have kinnlist, sorry for that;
Thanks for reading my card, I hope we will find a common language